I empower female conscious entrepreneurs to accelerate income and amplify impact

For the Resilient Entrepreneur looking for a breakthrough in their business results and leadership

I empower female conscious entrepreneurs to accelerate income and amplify impact

For the Resilient Entrepreneur looking for a breakthrough in brand results and leadership

You have reached a ceiling, at rock bottom or you’ve plateaued – and you’re saying it’s time.
You are the resilient and you want a breakthrough?

Ready to breakthrough the status quo of your business and/or finally launch your new business?
Ready to build a magnetic and respected brand that pulls in audiences to accelerate revenue?
Ready to shift the landscape of your industry for the better and make long lasting impact?
Ready to get your brand bold and powerful so you can step into the freedom of your leadership?


Now you could put this off –I mean your success, your happiness, your business performance surrender to the flow of life. Or you can decide that enough is enough and that

now is the time for you to breakthrough

all that noise in the market. 


More critically the noise in your head and create the brand that fills the strategic gaps to give you the freedom to get on with running the business. Giving you the opportunity to be a leader aligned to your purpose and able to impact change, not the entrepreneur or leader stuck in the trenches of canva, copy amends and still flip flopping on key strategic questions like who your nice is, what your positioning should be or key communications messaging? (You hear me?!)

Are you in exhaustion, tension, uncertainty, stagnation?

Or, are you ready to leave all that behind and BREAK THROUGH?

Are you ready to gain the skills to build a bold, courageous and confident brand, take the next best steps to design and execute on a brand plan that will accelerate growth?

I have learnt this the hard way, but unfortunately no one is coming to save you. But you are resilient and deep down you know you have power to build the business of your dreams while bit by bit changing the world for the better. You just can’t connect the dots.

I help you build and accelerate profits for your business with a clear, confident, bold brand strategy alongside leadership mindset tools and strategies to amplify your influence and impact as a leader who wants to bring positive change.

Are you in exhaustion, tension, uncertainty, stagnation?

Or, are you ready to leave all that behind and BREAK THROUGH?

Are you ready to gain the skills to build a bold, courageous and confident brand, take the next best steps to design and execute on a brand plan that will accelerate growth?

I have learnt this the hard way, but unfortunately no one is coming to save you. But you are resilient and deep down you know you have power to build the business of your dreams while bit by bit changing the world for the better. You just can’t connect the dots.

I help you build and accelerate profits for your business with a clear, confident, bold brand strategy alongside leadership mindset tools and strategies to amplify your influence and impact as a leader who wants to bring positive change.

Are you ready to experience breakthroughs in your;

Thoughts, Beliefs & attitude

Insights, strategies & concepts

System, tools & structures

Want more customers to come to you rather than you constantly try and be pulling them in? Ready to shift to the next level of your business to drive more income, impact and influence? Ready for a magnetic brand that drives more income, impact and influence?. Ready for the energy, strategy and tools to make this happen?
Then you are in the right place.

Still unsure? That’s ok!

But one thing you are sure of and that’s that you have come to a point where you are all in. You know you can make the money and miracles happen. You just don’t know how to connect the dots?

Its now or never people. This is the year. This is year we get to simplify and get crystal clear, streamlined and be laser in our focus so we have the time to amplify our impact and resources.

It’s time to have that breakthrough, or make those important implementation tweaks that lead to your breakthrough results. That is when you can have the freedom to focus on your leadership and truly be of ‘service’ to your people and communities as you build your business.

Still unsure? That’s ok!

But one thing you are sure of and that’s that you have come to a point where you are all in. You know you can make the money and miracles happen. You just don’t know how to connect the dots?

Its now or never people. This is the year. This is year we get to simplify and get crystal clear, streamlined and be laser in our focus so we have the time to amplify our impact and resources.

It’s time to have that breakthrough, or make those important implementation tweaks that lead to your breakthrough results. That is when you can have the freedom to focus on your leadership and truly be of ‘service’ to your people and communities as you build your business.

Come on! You know you’re ready!

To Breakthrough ‘your limitations’ & step in to your mastery and leadership

To Breakthrough the ‘market’  & create A LOVED AND RESPECTED BRAND

To Breakthrough the ‘time’  by setting up systems & tools that simplify

My methodology is built on


Alignment of your authenticity with your ‘secret sauce’


Build your personal brand and style of leadership with authenticity and a clear vision


Have a breakthrough brand strategy, business model and brand experience that acts like a magnet to pull in the right people


Marketing and communications messaging strategy, collaboration and community building to build equity


Activation made easy with systems and tools that simplify and accelerate

One-on-one support to meet your needs

My 5B Breakthrough Brand Methodology ™ is built on 25 years on building the world’s biggest brands designed with video lessons, worksheets, tools and cheat sheets to get you where you need to be.

Only I go one step further to provide hands on one-on-one support and consultancy in weekly Q and A sessions, video ask opportunities where you get to ask me all your questions directly throughout the programme. You will also have access to a supportive Facebook community with which you can share the journey. See it more like the brand consultancy and marketing agency you can’t afford.

One-on-one support to meet your needs

My 5B Breakthrough Brand Methodology ™ is built on 25 years on building the world’s biggest brands designed with video lessons, worksheets, tools and cheat sheets to get you where you need to be.

Only I go one step further to provide hands on one-on-one support with 24/7 weekday access to me.

You will also have access to a supportive Facebook community with which you can share the journey.

What You’ll Get

Get clarity - with your purpose so you can have breakthrough ideas and discover the best expression of your personal brand

Leave limiting beliefs others have imposed on you behind

Explore and connect with your unique thought leadership and communication style

Devise a winning brand strategy: Who are you serving? What problem are you solving? Why are you the one to solve it? How are you solving it? What are you offering and what is your business model?

Know where the world is heading so you are ready to disrupt it – What trends impact you?

Go beyond product and commodity to create a brand experiences that can drive a premium for the right communities

Connect the dots with clear marketing strategy & messaging across all touchpoints so you can be compelling, relevant, respected and loved by your desired audiences

Get clear on investor expectations and build the solid strategic foundations to attract investors and increase raised capital

About me

For OVER 20 years I have served C-Suite leaders of multiple FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 COMPANIES with RESILIENT STRATEGIES and have founded my own AWARD WINNING BRAND DESIGN CONSULTANCY.

My branding and communications strategy and design work has served corporate global players such as L’OREAL, DIAGEO, FACEBOOK, UNIBAIL RODAMCO WESTFIELD, GOOGLE UK, COCA-COLA, CNN, WOOLWORTHS S.A., GENPACT, PENTLAND, KNIGHT DRAGON, UNILEVER, ATELIER REBUL and MACROCENTER

What allows me to build 6,7,8,9 digit brand strategies is the ability to simplify, clarity by unlocking crucial insights that drive powerful product, service and marketing experience concepts. But I don’t stop there, I work on the conflicts that hold them back so they can adopt winning mindsets that accelerate their ability to stay in creative flow and lead with ease and impact.

We’re all dealing with so much at the moment and we need to uncover opportunities to thrive in the chaos. I’ve had my fair share of curve balls for which I am grateful as its allowed me to receive important messages in the messes and connect deep with source energy to stay in flow and my resilience no matter what is happening around me. From living and moving across 4 countries,……miscarriage I have learnt to beat the odds. I now combine my life and corporate experience to support the lives of others on their journey to shift their energy and embrace a life of freedom, fulfillment and joy. It’s the freedom entrepreneurship brings that I feel so passionate about and why I want to bring to more power to the women born to lead.


6 months live private coaching for leaders on designing and launching your business idea and developing your leadership​

Live bi-weekly 1:2:1 video coaching and mentorship​

24 hour access to me with questions for feedback and guidance via Voxer​

Full access to my favourite models, theories, systems, tools and wisdom​

Priority free VIP access to all upcoming events​

Ongoing support in our Conscious Female Founder Facebook community​

Build the systems, tools, infrastructures, processes needed to grow your business​

Expand your connections through my 25 year network of creators, designers, shape-shifters and change makers​


Pick my brains for a 60 minute power hour on any of the below topics and lets’ get you out of the foggy woods and into the clear sunshine with a lazer recommendation and clarity on some concrete next steps and priorities.

Watch out for the next upcoming live
Self Love and Resilience Workshop.

A 2 hour workshop to take you closer to unlocking your true potential by teaching ways in which to skillfully manage life’s twists and turns, ups and downs by remaining strong mentally and emotionally, agile and optimistic. REGISTER YOUR EARLY INTEREST BELOW.